Walnut Street House Fire
Sunday, December 15, 2024
On 12/15/24 at 12:52 pm, the PCVFC along with neighboring fire companies were alerted for a residential structure fire in the 200 block of Walnut Street. Units arrived to find a 3-story home with smoke coming from the eaves of the house and fire showing from a second-floor window. Engine 102 secured a water supply and crews made an aggressive interior attack to suppress the fire on the second floor. Crews were able to quickly extinguish the bulk of the fire to prevent further significant damage. Minimal fire spread to the third floor and attic area occurred with the majority of the damage on the second and third floors occurring due to thermal and smoke damage.
With the assistance of mutual aid companies, crews were able to overhaul the structure and extinguish remaining hotspots within approximately 90 minutes. Captain L. Holland had incident command. The cause of this incident is under investigation by the
Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office.
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